Hey guys,it has been like forever since I wrote to you guys and am sorry for that but guess what,I am back now and I have of lot of pieces for you to read,so sit yourself down and follow me.:)Today I want us to talk about silence as from the topic above, its all about ‘the safe.’What do I mean?A safe is a place where you store something and you are the only one who has access to it.It also relates with real life situations and a weapon to peace of mind and happiness and that is why silence is our safe.

photography of a man wearing steampunk sunglasses
Photo by Alex Alexander on

Silence is one of the most powerful serenity valuables to hitting up the challenges and success missions in one’s life.It takes a lot of tolerance and self control for one to achieve this.I know it sounds weird and maybe odd why one would choose to sew herself or himself in a lining of pure silence when around people but trust me,it is priceless and it will help you in maintaining your happiness level at 100 %.The more you talk less and mind your business,the more people will always want to know what is going on in your daily affairs.They will always want to have a reason to be around you so as to know what is it that makes you so engaged in your own world.This is a positive move because no one will be able to stress you up and they will not know your weaknesses or strengths because you only open up when necessary.

You can imagine when you talk too much to just everyone and you tell them so much sauce about your life’s circle then they end up using it against you or even misunderstanding you,you will end up getting hurt to an extent that you will question your self esteem and more importantly,your self worth.You need to be social but in a wise and productive way.Yes,we are all humans and we get angry and provoked but does that mean you have to retaliate or revenge?What difference will it  make when you get back at the person who hurt you?Will it make you a better person?It will just make you bitter and aggressive in that you will end up looking foolish and irrational.You need to have patience and that positive attitude of silence.If someone decides to insult,judge or make fun of you or show you some mean actions,just keep quiet it will show them how much you treasure your inner peace and how you are mature.It will make them feel vulnerable in that they will have no way against you because they know you are busy minding your business and being you.

Personally,I used to always get back at anyone who crossed my path or even did something bad to me till the day that I discovered that it only turned me into something worse,so,I chose to try out the silence technique and it has been working perfectly for me,I have not been online for some time now and it made me discover a lot of stuff,people will talk to you only if they want something from you or even for the sake of it,some will come to you just to know your inner self then hurt you,some will come to you with good intentions,some will come to tarnish your image or better still use you for their benefit,you have to learn to be smart and authentic,just don’t talk without thinking about the outcome of it.Make sure what you speak defines who you are as a person.Do not do things to please the crowd but do it for yourself.

Learn how to be an independent soldier,do not keep following up with people as if you have no priorities in life or goals to achieve.Make yourself busy and when someone shows you a different approach of things from yours and you feel uncomfortable then just move ahead,you cannot keep rolling yourself in a depth of negativity and expect not to get hurt.So long as what you are doing in your life is productive and essential to your future,do not mind what people will say.We all go through these tests in life but how we handle them is what matters.Not everyone will always have your back or be real with you,so be true to your own self.

Relationships are there for us to have that company in life.It may be with a friend,relative or even lover but do not let that make you forget yourself and turn you into a two faced person.Learn to stick to your ground and love yourself first before loving anyone else, that is the only way that you can love others.You cannot give another person love yet you are bitter and selfish to yourself.So guys there you go,the key and secret to having an amazing and fruitful life cycle,SILENCE!

I leave you with this one last quote,do unto others what you would want them to do to you,have a purpose for everything that you do and always prioritize the major things first.Have an amazing and blissful weekend!





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